12–17h 24, 25, 26 January (Time in India)

last updated 2020

stream our radio actions here



Radio Team

Shru­ti Maithani, Ananya Baru­ah, Ananya Mukhopad­hyay, Nimisha S Pradeep, N.S Nitish, Treesa Reena John, P Keerthi, Parve­da Chan­dra Kiran, R Sri Rohith, Sowmya Red­dy, Vaishalee Das.

Spe­cial thanks to: the fan­tas­tic audi­ence that vis­it­ed our couch.

Radio program during the Hyderabad Literary Festival Jan 2020 in chronological order.


24th of jan 2020 (on FM in BOL Hyder­abad, Radio Corax Halle/Germany, Radio Fratz Neumünster/ Ger­many, part­ly on oth­er sta­tions in Ger­many, Aus­tria and UK)

25th of jan 2020 (on FM in BOL Hyder­abad, Radio Fratz Neumünster/ Ger­many, part­ly on oth­er sta­tions in Ger­many, Aus­tria and UK)

26t of jan 2020 (on FM in BOL Hyder­abad, Radio Fratz Neumünster/ Ger­many, part­ly on oth­er sta­tions in Ger­many, Aus­tria and UK)

Description for single parts of the programm here

Below, the record­ings are arranged on top­ics, dis­cus­sions and pro­tag­o­nists.

A talk with the Malay­alam nov­el­ist Benyamin right after his pan­el in the fes­ti­val


Game in Malay­alam

Respond­ing to a lan­guage game with a musi­cal instru­ment. The musi­cian in con­ver­sa­tion with the radio team.

In con­ver­sa­tion with the poet Alfred Tay­lor with Kier­an Dolin

What can be lit­er­a­ture in vil­lages? Parve­da Chan­dra Kiran and Vaishalee Das.


Girls Talk — Men­stru­al hygiene

Girls from The Nation’s Rock Beat


Girls talk — Against well­ness


Paromi­ta Vohra “dif­fer­ent peo­ple feel dif­fer­ent things”


Patruni Chi­danan­da Sas­try about the basics of Drag in Indi­an tra­di­tion


Girls talk — Beau­ty and Plea­sure


Author Saba Dewan about sex­u­al plea­sure


Jai Undur­ti & Fabi­an Stoltz talk­ing about plea­sure


Stu­dents of the Vid­yaranya High School vis­it the radio for the last min­utes of the first day of the Fes­ti­val


In con­ver­sa­tion with DJ Bala, Bol Hyder­abad


In con­ver­sa­tion with film­mak­ers Maha Venkatesh and Praveena Paruchuri


Khyrun­nisa A. shares her writ­ing and her approach of char­ac­ters


A few ques­tions about Haiku with Kala Ramesh


Rach­na Chowla talks about sto­ries, tales, fables


Sto­ry teller Saad Muhammed


Tale tellers Troop India


She­fali Rao, the Co-Founder of Food4Thought


Satish Man­dala­parthy — aka Crim­son worked with All India Radio & Red FM as an RJ & Pro­gram­ming pro­duc­er — about radio


Future of HLF with Vid­jay Kumar ‑one of the direc­tors and co-founder of the fes­ti­val


In the mid­dle of so much lit­er­a­ture, we had the plea­sure to hear from some­one who got inspired to write and to speak out a fresh poem.


Abhisheck on trans­la­tion


The street is loud and full of lit­er­a­ture Jas­mi­na and Ralf


Ques­tion from the audi­ence: How are we pick­ing our top­ics?

Radio shows Exile Exhale Exit 2019

More here


first mobile exit for ODD in Bucharest June 2019 — Jas­mi­na Al-Qaisi and Ralf Wendt with audio accounts authored by Kurt Tuchol­s­ki, Tocotron­ic u.a.


sec­ond mobile exit from Berlin for Moon­ah Radio Tas­ma­nia Decem­ber 2019 — Natalia Aceve­do-Fer­reira, Jas­mi­na Al-Qaisi, Andreea Bel­lu, Matei Bel­lu, Maria Kar­pushi­na, Elis­a­beth Rän­del, Ralf Wendt with audio accounts authored by Theodor W. Adorno, Wal­ter Ben­jamin, Jack Body, Thomas Brasch, Bertold Brecht, Achille Mbe­m­be, Hein­er Müller, Mika Rot­ten­berg, Shud­dhabra­ta Sen­gup­ta, John Zorn

Radioshow for IBA Thuringia in Apolda 2019

More here


mit Jas­mi­na Al-Qaisi, Ralf Wendt, Elis­a­beth Raen­del, Jan Lang­ham­mer u.a.