Live Radio //25.9.21 // ALTER Meßplatz in Mannheim


We spent a few days in ALTER — hang-out spot in Mannheim where we were build­ing up a live radio broad­cast in the van of gegen muedigkeit invit­ed by Radio E.
We obseved, par­tic­i­pat­ed to the ener­gy, wis­doms of the won­der­ful peo­ple who come togeth­er here.
The days result­ed in a radio pro­gram where the peo­ple at ALTER told about life at ALTER.
And they explain why the ALTER should be pre­vent­ed from mov­ing to a small­er area next year, why it should stay exact­ly it is now!
The Radio pro­gram was trans­mit­ed live in bermuda.funk on FM and on the web­site of Radio E- Gegen Mudigkeit

Col­lages with maaaany peo­ple from ALTER and beyond:
The Platzwart, Amr, Arno, Wolfi, Tom­my, Feli­ciano, Nicole, Alex Körn­er, T.W. Adorno, Valeri,
Lukas Dos Pas­sos, Gil Scott-Heron, Malik, Chan­tal, Luca, Flo­ri­an, Patrick and many more.

Live inter­views with Markus Spren­gler, Tom­my and Alex.

Raps and songs by Arno the break­dancer and Feli­ciano, poet­ry by Paula di Capel­li

0: 01.54 Poet­ry — Paula di Capel­li — Under­stand­ing
0: 02.32 Col­lage — About ALTER — a por­trait
0: 31.00 Inter­view with City Coun­cilor Markus Spren­gler (Greens) about open spaces in Mannheim
0: 39.45 Col­lage — On the mean­ing of ALTER for the city
0: 56.05 ALTER song by Feli­ciano
1: 01.00 Poet­ry — Paula di Capel­li — Homo Nar­rans
1:09:57 Col­lage — On the move of ALTER
1:30:21 Rap from Arno the break­dancer
1:32:40 Inter­view with Tom­my
1:36:00 Col­lage — ALTER-Wis­dom about Com­mu­ni­ca­tion
1:51:40 Inter­view with Alex
2:05:00 Col­lage — ALTER-Secrets and Favorite Words