Exile Exhale Exit intents an exca­va­tion into the impli­ca­tions of chang­ing mean­ing assigned to words one uses to describe dif­fer­ent sites of the mind with­in migra­to­ry move­ments. Exile Exhale Exit implies an exor­cism of lan­guage and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, notions of home and away, mobil­i­ty and dis­lo­ca­tion, resis­tance and iso­la­tion, con­ser­va­tion and era­sure and grow­ing sprouts of oth­er mat­ters at hand. Exile Exhale Exit is an instance which inten­tion­al­ly pri­or­i­tizes feel­ing and poiesis to any oth­er kind of knowl­edge, focus­ing on text to sound as well as sound to text, in order to pro­cre­ate new mean­ings. As a premise, Exile Exhale Exit looks for­ward for inter­ac­tion between vocal or tex­tu­al traces of oth­er times embod­ied into the one­ness, but not into indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. Into this illus­tra­tion, Exile Exhale Exit is a radio broad­cast in dif­fer­ent Eng­lish­es, planned to morph into oth­er medi­ums for a pos­si­ble future.

“For us exile is not only con­not­ed to the state of emer­gency and the sta­tus of refugees, but it’s look­ing into sen­si­tive ques­tions of belong­ing, envi­ron­ments of cre­ative expres­sion, every­day life expe­ri­ence of com­mu­ni­ty build­ing, resis­tance, rejec­tion and iso­la­tion; or sim­ply con­nect­ed to inter­twined con­se­quences of liv­ing out­side of a giv­en place, think­ing out­side of known cat­e­gories or tak­ing actions out­side of giv­en frame­works.” Jas­mi­na and Ralf.

first mobile exit for ODD in Bucharest June 2019

With mod­er­a­tion by Jas­mi­na Al-Qaisi, Ralf Wendt, voic­es of ODD audi­ence and mem­bers, Cristi­na Bog­dan, Anca Bucur, with voice record­ing of Nina Cass­ian, Tocotron­ic  song ‘aber hier leben, nein danke’, read­ing in Eng­lish the text ‘Der Ausweis’ by Peter Pan­ter and Johan­na Billing’s film sound Mag­i­cal World;

sec­ond mobile exit from Berlin for Moon­ah Radio Tas­ma­nia Decem­ber 2019

With Natalia Aceve­do-Fer­reira, Jas­mi­na Al-Qaisi, Andreea Bel­lu, Matei Bel­lu, Maria Kar­pushi­na, Elis­a­beth Rän­del, Ralf Wendt with audio accounts authored by Theodor W. Adorno, Wal­ter Ben­jamin, Jack Body, Thomas Brasch, Bertold Brecht, Achille Mbe­m­be, Hein­er Müller, Mika Rot­ten­berg, Shud­dhabra­ta Sen­gup­ta, John Zorn

In their quest of reorder­ing known cat­e­gories, out of a feel­ing that their ideas are not at home where they thought home was, Jas­mi­na and Ralf con­tin­ue their pluri-mean­ing­ful jour­ney Exile Exhale Exit in a mobile radio for­mat. This time from Hasen­hei­de Park in Berlin to Moon­ah Com­mu­ni­ty Radio by sis­ter­sak­ous­mat­i­ca in Tas­ma­nia, the two accom­pa­nied by friends, are pack­ing for a jour­ney to an imag­i­nary lim­it­less place and ques­tion­ing their lim­its of imag­i­na­tion. Togeth­er, the group is look­ing for a com­mu­nal lev­el of under­stand­ing of geo­graph­i­cal dis­sat­is­fac­tion, tran­si­tion, trans­for­ma­tion and trans­gres­sion into worlds ruled by cap­i­tal. 💨 Fri­day 29th Novem­ber 11am Tas­ma­nia, Aus­tralia = 1am Berlin, Ger­many 💨 For one hour