Radio Kinzonzi // Audio Works and Live Radio in Kinshasa and Berlin for Laboratoire Kontempo 2021–22 //11–14th May live from Berlin


Project web­site here

Radio Kinzonzi with Orakle Ngoy, Jasmina, Ralf and the participants and friends

Radio Kin­zonzi is back broad­cast­ing from Berlin ACUD and Haus der Sta­tis­tik live togeth­er with the Lab­o­ra­toire Kon­tem­po team and par­tic­i­pant artists: sounds, poet­ry, street, speak­ing voice, singing voice, bird voice, read­ings, exis­tent audio works, open ques­tions, soni­fy­ing the actions and per­for­mances of the pro­gram, jam­ming, build­ing up ser­i­al moments of lan­guage exchanges that make Kin­zonzi and Mizi­ki audi­ble.

Pro­gram of our radio

11–14 May 4–8 pm dai­ly host­ed by Radio Kin­zonzi team With Orak­le, Ralf and Jas­mi­na

Broad­cast­ed in Cash­mere Radio (Berlin), Stu­dio Ansage (Berlin) 88.4 FM, Radio Orange (Vien­na, Aus­tria) 94.0 FM

Sphere Radio (Leipzig), Radio Tson­a­mi (Val­paraiso, Chile), Tes­la Fm (Barcelona, Spain), Radio Kap­i­tał (War­saw, Poland) and online on

Steam­ing Link



Theme: (Colo­nial­i­ty) of lan­guages in arts 

We are a mul­ti­lin­gual group speak­ing Eng­lish and French most­ly, we dis­cuss the lin­guis­tic colo­nial lega­cies while speak­ing colo­nial lan­guages. We come togeth­er as well in oth­er forms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and com­mu­nion in many oth­er lan­guages. What words do we use and why? How are the words Kin­zonzi or Mizi­ki placed in our con­text of the project hap­pen­ing between Kin­shasa and Berlin? And what is the geneal­o­gy of decid­ing what words we use on the fore­front of this gath­er­ing.




Theme: trans­missssss­sion

We are bound to trans­la­tion but also to trans­mis­sion. In the Lab­o­ra­toire kon­tem­po Kin­zonzi, we find our­selves in var­i­ous rela­tion­ships with the para­me­ters of our iden­ti­ties, mem­o­ry, posi­tion, land­scape and when we get the mic to speak togeth­er, inter­sec­tions show us in rela­tion. What are our tools of trans­mis­sion, from tech­nolo­gies to time­lines? What do we know, feel and learn and from whom? What are our tools and where do they come from? And how does that reflec­tion go out in our art?




Theme: do it your­self with oth­ers

We did not like school, but school gave us some tools to fight it. What can we learn from exchang­ing with each oth­er, fac­ing togeth­er the unknown. We organ­ise our­selves, man­age our­selves, find dif­fer­ent ways to source our pas­sions and what we want to com­mu­ni­cate. What does it mean to us and what does it take nowa­days to be an inde­pen­dent artist? Espe­cial­ly in a Kin­zonzi sense, what are the chal­lenges that we can share and what do we want to change?




Theme: art is work is art

An after­noon about gath­er­ings, col­lec­tive activ­i­ty and togeth­er­ness between artists and cul­tur­al work­ers tran­scend­ing art, a group medi­a­tion of dif­fer­ences and com­mons, the dias­poric real­i­ties and their reflec­tions in our lives. What and how art spaces and forms change when Kin­shasa and Berlin col­lab­o­rate? How do our worlds inter­sect and what hap­pens after we meet? Fil­ter­less talks about strug­gles, bur­dens and goals find their space here.

Radio Kinzonzi // Audio Works and Live Radio in Kinshasa for Laboratoire Kontempo 2021
15th October Live from Kinshasa

Lis­ten back here

Radio Kinzonzi with Orakle Ngoy, Jasmina, Ralf and the participants and friends

Togeth­er we are div­ing deep in the research of new ways to com­mu­ni­cate with­out hier­ar­chies and bor­ders from Kin­shasa to your ears through radio. Togeth­er we look at terms, art is just one of them. We soni­fy KINZONZI and var­i­ous mean­ings peo­ple have to it in sev­er­al lan­guages, with­out the desire to under­stand but to sense. We get to know each oth­er in this way. Our words, our thoughts, become mir­rors, so that those who lose their mem­o­ry, can see them­selves. Togeth­er we sur­round secrets to make them pub­lic. Dis­cus­sions, dis­cours­es, audio images, rhythms of streets come togeth­er with voic­es of non humans and machines. Radio Kin­zonzi pro­pos­es an hon­est way of being.

Orak­le Ngoy (*1981) is an artist and musi­cian (slam­mer, rap­per and per­former) from the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of Con­go, a law grad­u­ate, cre­ator of the Afri­ka Diva col­lec­tive, work­ing for the emer­gence of female tal­ent in the DR Con­go, hold­er of the Yam­bi City fes­ti­val, activist and moth­er.
For many years, she has been speak­ing out against hate, sex­ism, inequal­i­ty and vio­lence. Her art is a hard­core appeal to the peo­ple of Kin­shasa to respect “Mamans” and all women. Her music is like her, a mix of gai­ety, ghet­to and Kin­shasa real­i­ties, mix­ing Con­golese musi­cal styles, folk and per­for­mance art. Since 2018, she is vice-pres­i­dent of the Arte­r­i­al Net­work in Kin­shasa. She has been involved in many projects inside and out­side the bor­ders of Con­go (to name a few): Yam­bi, ACUD Macht Neu, Berlin and Kin­shasa, 2019; Spin­ning Tri­an­gles, S A V V Y Con­tem­po­rary, Berlin and Kin­shasa, 2019; Punch Agathe, Pumpen­haus, Mün­ster and Stuttgart, 2019; Con­certs in Tunis (Journées Musi­cales de Carthage, 2018); Braz­zav­ille (Mbote Hip-Hop, 2018); Dakar (Afropoli­tan, 2018) etc. Since 2018, she has been run­ning the Yam­bi City fes­ti­val, pro­duced with the mem­bers of Afri­ka Diva Col­lec­tif, which she cre­at­ed in 2014. She fights to net­work and pro­mote the Con­golese scene.

At Radio Okapi

Before the live trans­mis­sion, we Orak­le, Jas­mi­na and Ralf start­ed pub­lish­ing their radio­phon­ic work done in Kin­shasa in Radio Okapi. We had a chat with Mr. Jean-Marc Mat­wa­ki Mofelele who inter­viewed and intro­duced our inter­ven­tion on the term and top­ics of Kin­zonzi togeth­er with voic­es of the par­tic­i­pants and friends of Lab­o­ra­toire Kon­tem­po 2021/22 on Radio Okapi. The inter­ven­tion was audi­ble on Fri­day 15th 16–18h; Fri­day on Décrochage “Info Kin” from 16h05 to 17h and from 20h to 21h; Sat­ur­day from 14h05′ and the mag­a­zine Okapi Métis­sage from 17h to 19h; Sun­day from 13h to 15h on FM in DR Con­go: Kin­shasa 103.5; Bunia 104.9; Bukavu 95.3; Goma 95.5; Kin­du 103.0; Kisan­gani 94.8; Lubum­bashi 95.8; Mata­di 102.0; Mban­da­ka 103.0; Mbu­ji-mayi 93.8 and online.


Radio Kinzonzi // 15.10.2021 // Live from Kinshasa
during the Vernissage of Laboratoire Kontempo at the National Museum of the DRCongo


We trans­mit­ted live the open­ing of Lab­o­ra­toire Kon­tem­po 2021/22 Kin­zonzi exhi­bi­tion Nation­al Muse­um of DRC on the 15th of Octo­ber from 5 to 8 pm Kin­shasa time. The live mobile radio action done by Jas­mi­na, Orak­le and Ralf con­sist­ed of col­lages of the top­ics of Kin­zonzi before and dur­ing the exhi­bi­tion; we can hear var­i­ous per­spec­tives and angles, we can imag­ine a Kin­zonzi uni­verse made by the great artists and audi­ences in Kin­shasa. We’ve lis­tened togeth­er to bits and pieces of Kill Bill’s per­for­mance, sounds of art­work, the con­cert of Vil­lage Papa Nyan­gombe. Peo­ple we spoke with: Mega Mingie­di and Taxi Radio, Mukenge/Schellhammer, Priska Tankwey, Rachel Nyan­gombe, Viko Mous­sa, Paul­vi Ngim­bi, Jean Kam­ba, Miguel Buen­rostro, Luiza Pra­do, Jérôme Chazeix, Huguette Tolin­ga, Raul Walch, Gabriel­la Tor­res-Fer­rer, Jérôme Chazeix, Luiza Pra­do, Peter Miyalu, Cor­nelia Lund, Dar­win Mumete, Ror­dri­go and the list will be per­ma­nent­ly updat­ed. The radio pro­gram also played music and voice from Priska Tankwey and Paul­vi Ngim­bi instal­la­tion of the exhi­bi­tion and music from the band Fulu Mizi­ki and Antoine, the gui­tar play­er we met at Chez TinTin. An art­work by: Ado­nis Delta

Radio Mischpoke’s pres­ence in Kin­shasa was sup­port­ed by Goethe-Insti­tut in München.