Apolda Future Feature


16. — 25.08.2019

Col­lec­tive Stadt.Raum.Wandel, Halle / Ham­burg

It’s the year 2050 — the Apoldaer Future Fea­tures Radio broad­casts exper­i­men­tal­ly spec­u­lat­ed about the future of the Eier­mann build­ing, Apol­da and the entire region of Thuringia. A mobile radio sta­tion went in search of cur­rent top­ics and sto­ries. The vis­i­tors to the tem­po­rary Hotel Egon project set in the Eier­mann col­lab­o­rat­ed and join the radio team in search of top­ics and dif­fer­ent aproach­es to Radio Fea­tures of the Future. In the future fea­tures future sce­nar­ios are being sum­ma­rized. In a staged lis­ten­ing sit­u­a­tion, in and around the Eier­mannbau, the team invit­ed the locals to lis­ten to the results togeth­er.

Lis­ten here